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The lesson of the movie was to live for yourself and not for others.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 5:44 am
by LeaveItIN
I do not know if I wrote this.

Not really, since he gave money to and found meaning in Ndugu. It is about living consciously. Living consciously is harder and it requires an evaluation of your life. This often leads to doubts about yourself, your purpose, and the purpose of those around you. This can often lead to depression, in seeing so many viewpoints so ridiculously skewed. This leads you into thinking about pain and death, and the meaning of it all. This leads you to question God. This often (very sadly) leads to either suicide or (much more happily) to seeing what you can do to scrap together a meaningful existence, even with knowledge that it could be and most likely is meaningless.

This meaningfully non-meaningful life often consists of being unable to shake the feeling of futility and pain in the world, and thus trying that much harder to do something about it. If everyone just thought things through a little harder, we could have a much more peaceful world. But there is always someone to fight against, even if it is yourself. All we can do is hold each other up and try to get through.

I really love all you people who consciously try to love others- put up a barrier against the indifference of life and make a world of your own, and try to bring as many people as you can into that world. Look, this may sound sentimental, but honestly, I am a nineteen year old male who has read as much as I have been able to get my hands on; I've recently been paralyzed by the fear of nuclear war, and I just know that the only truth I can find is that we make our own truths, and the truth I want to make is one of love and understanding and empathy. The thing is, pain happens. Even empathy only really works after you experience real pain, so how can family really work?

Does there always have to be outsiders and enemies? Loving someone comes from knowing them, and there will always be people we cannot know. It seems we have to delude ourselves and open ourselves to the possibility of great pain in order to make the world better. What I mean is, we have to only see the good in people. Everyone knows what can happen then. Either the person betrays you (and even kills you) or you successfully convert a person from an hostile to a friend. I am pretty sure this is a meaning to life, if there could be one. The fact that we have control over people's reallities is pretty amazing, isn't it? I mean, we mold other people's perceptions all the time without knowing it. It is very hard to detect, because people today have become very cautious, critical observers. Some people either thnk they have it figured out, more want to think they have it figured out but they know they don't, and most people walk around pissed that they can't figure anything out and they hate it. Ok, so you don't believe in good and evil, you think everything is relative. But wouldn't it be great to make things relatively better, as in, a little bit better than they were. The people on this amazing and fragile planet are just as amazing and fragile, and things are messed up. But that doesn't mean you have to be. You are just a funny little thing with a brain and arms and legs, don't try to understand everything. I used to hate the statement- "we were born to survive, not to know the laws of the universe". The funny thing is, the law of the universe is survival, so make that your life's work, and help others through it.

I wrote a lot but I'm not sorry. This type of stuff needs to be talked about, even if I'm wrong. It needs to be discussed. I love you guys for really liking and understanding this movie. By the way I'm not part of a religious faction, and I'm sort of freaked out that if I don't believe in Jesus Christ that I'm going to hell. But I just can't believe that something like that is true. That even if you live a good life and try to help people and try to do your best and are sorry for the bad, but just because you don't believe in another human, the only evidence of his existence being in some pages (a lot yes, but enough?) of the Holy Bible, that you burn forever in Hell- this does not make sense. What do you guys think? Peace.

Leona Lewis, Bleeding Love