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Nick of Time is About Christopher Walkens redemption

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:03 am
by LeaveItIN
Maybe Christopher was trying to redeem himself you know. kill all these bad people so he uses all of his experience as sway and says to do things his way.

The ineptude of Christopher Walken, like he said he should have done it there well why not him just do it. 16 blocks is a rip off of it. Christopher Walker did it to save her he was the rat. He gave him the schedule. This was absolutely brilliant can you download nick of time. Oh why because you are decent shooter. I think it has to be the hair. I mean I assume Christopher Walken is absolving himself from his sins.

He wants out and he wants to save the governor he never meant to. He remembers an operation he did back in Nam that is the life he became. The story of Walken from Pulp Fiction this is what happened.